The Next Revolution is Blockchain Finance

Biz BUI helps SMEs and sports organisations raise capital and cement relationships with stakeholders, inside the Company and out, by monetising intangible assets.


A simple to use, modular blockchain user interface that lets any organisation with intangible assets (such as I.P. goodwill, fanbase, software and brand etc.) easily monetise these assets. This interface facilitates access to finance that would otherwise only be available upon the sale of the business.

Get in touch today to register your early interest in Biz BUI.

Alan Sellers, CEO -
Press & Marketing -

Blockchain and Digital Asset Concierge Helpdesk.


Register your interest and we will let you know when our service will be available.

Accountants, Lawyers and IFAs

We offer a professional, trusted blockchain and crypto expert-led help desk for accountants, lawyers, IFA’s, and their clients.

Sound, Practicle and Safe Advice

No questions are off-limits, with the assistance being ‘sound, practical and safe'.